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Friday, December 31, 2021

The Humanist's Prayer

 The Humanist's Prayer

Oh Lord, give me the strength of will 

To swallow all the vapid swill 

of those who beat their chests and claim 

That they alone speak in Your Name.

Give me the strength to tolerate 

The blindness, bigotry and hate 

The murder, bullying and rage 

They say came from a Bible page.

Oh Lord, when I must hear them preach

The violence they say You teach 

Give me the strength to turn my head

And wish them well, instead of dead...

Give me the strength to stay my wrath 

To walk upon a higher path 

To be superior to fools 

Who drag You into public schools.

Oh Lord, I know it gives You pain 

To waste a treasure like a brain 

Of human compass, human girth 

On those who cannot see its worth...

But still, I pray that there's a hope 

That even the most dauntless dope 

Will someday see the ghastly blight 

His "faith" must be, to block Your light.

The fact is, it's a tragic loss 

When folks are beaten with a cross. 

And nothing makes the angels weep 

Like seeing men behave like sheep...

With all their sick, self-righteous ire 

And blathering about Hell's fire 

They only drive us from You, Lord, 

And make us bitter, tired and bored.

Dear God, please make them stay at home 

And leave the rest of us alone. 

Teach them to love their human kin 

Instead of counting every sin!

Of course, I know You'll heed this prayer, 

That humanists say everywhere. 

In this one irony we trust: 

That Jesus Christ was one of us.

Ⓒ2001 Arinn Dembo, All Rights Reserved.

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